Matthew Laflamme

Game Designer

Skills | Competencies

Unreal Engine 4 | Blueprints | Unity | C# | Git | Adobe Suite | Redmine | QA Testing

Agile Development | Cross-functional Collaboration | Documentation Management


Level Designer | Tall Hat Studios | Champlain College 2022

Level designer on a 14 person student team responsible for bringing Mapstermind from vertical slice into its full game format. Refined tutorial and original level making it easier for players to pick up and play. Responsible for preparing level for QA testing, analyzing player feedback and refining level to push the game to the best possible state. 

Level Designer | Warplight Wanderer | Champlain College 2022

Responsible for creating levels in conjunction with game systems to function as puzzles. Levels were created based on intended player experience and refined by analyzing QA data to correct issues and weaknesses of puzzles and levels.

Level Designer | Summer Internship: Independent Study | 2022

Solo Level Design project exploring a level designed for a 1v3 asymmetrical hide and seek PvP game mode. Mechanics and rules documented in format that would allow another person to take the level and build the rest with minimal help.


Champlain College, Burlington, VT

Bachelor of Science in Game Design, Graduated 2022